Background information
Name to incorporate in the logo
Thoughts On Purpose Coaching LLC
Slogan to incorporate in the logo
Description of the organization and its target audience
Mindset coaching for professional women, leaders, athletes, and teens. See
Business & Consulting
Visual style
Colors to explore
Other color requirements
#c6af9f, #9ac97, #e0e9fa, to match with website
Style Attributes
Design inspiration
Content details
Business card details
front: logo + business name if not in logo
Mike Weekley
The 'Thriving Teen' Coach
Private coaching sessions via Zoom. Presentations for sports teams and treatment facilities.
Stock images
Client allowed the use of stock for this contest.
Stock images are licensed photos and vector files. Please declare stock when you submit designs so that clients can pay for licenses.
Other notes
OUR MAIN AUDIENCES ARE professional women, young athletes (their parents), sports coaches (mostly MALE), teens returning home from residential treatment (their parents).
We like the abstract. The logo may be an icon only or the company name only, or title letters in a unique way (TOPC). Just looking for an identifying mark to put on the business card and the bottom of workshop handouts, powerpoint slides, etc.
A version of the logo should work in black ink on white paper only.
A version should work on the website (maybe it's the black & white version). Please use sans serif font so it fits with website, which uses font Oxygen and Average Sans. Unlikely that we would go all caps.
Please look at our website to understand us more.
Contest deliverables
1 x Logo
Winner of this contest
1 x Business card
Final files
If you use fonts that require a license, confirm with the client they're ok with it. For licensing reasons, it is better to provide your client with information on how to acquire the font rather than providing the actual files.
Text in logos should be converted to outlines.
Very modern, conveys, forward-thinking.